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The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development focused on making the connections between democratic governance and sustainable development. It transferred its work to the School for International Futures in 2025.

Duality in climate science | Kevin Anderson

Anderson, Kevin (2015): Duality in Climate Science. In: Nature Geoscience, 12 October 2015. The economic and political paradigm in which our democracy operates inhibits climate scientists, so they have to tone down the dangers ahead. In his commentary Duality in...

The Confidence Trap, by David Runciman

Runciman’s The Confidence Trap is a sobering account of how democracies have muddled through a variety of crises in the 20th century. According to Runciman, it is this capacity to  ‘muddle through’ that makes democracy distinctive and has allowed it to outperform...

Sharing as Our Common Cause by Share the World’s Resources

This report reveals how a call for sharing is central to a growing worldwide movement of global citizens. From the executive summary “The principle of sharing is often central to efforts for progressive change in almost every field of endeavour. But this mutual...

The Promise of a Pencil, by Adam Braun

An inspiring story of a young man creating 200 schools around the world and steps that anyone can take to a more significant, successful life. Published by Atria Books. pencilsofpromise.org/popbook