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The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development focused on making the connections between democratic governance and sustainable development. It transferred its work to the School for International Futures in 2025.


We regularly hosted public debates and workshops. On this page we inform about these, as well as events that are relevant to our work. You can browse past events in our archive below.

Past events

Can democracy safeguard the future? | Book launch and panel discussion

Can democracy safeguard the future? | Book launch and panel discussion

On May 20th 2021 FDSD held a launch event for a new book by Prof Graham Smith, Chair of FDSD and Director of the Centre for the Study of Democracy at the University of Westminster. In Can Democracy Safeguard the Future? Graham asks why democracies repeatedly fail to safeguard the future.

Nature of Prosperity Dialogue: Saving the Good Life | FDSD/CUSP online event, 17 November 2020

Nature of Prosperity Dialogue: Saving the Good Life | FDSD/CUSP online event, 17 November 2020

How can we nurture visions of the good life that preserve nature and protect the interests of future generations? Can new institutions help us to re-invigorate democracy? Can creativity inspire us to conserve what we love? How can we become the ‘good ancestors’ we would wish for our kids, in the world they will inherit? FDSD and the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity are delighted to invite you to the latest in the series of dialogues on the Nature of Prosperity, hosted by Dr Rowan Williams, 104th Archbishop of Canterbury.

FDSD co-hosting parliamentary reception on Future Generations Bill, London 12 Feb 2020

FDSD co-hosting parliamentary reception on Future Generations Bill, London 12 Feb 2020

On February 12th, FDSD will be co-hosting a reception in the House of Lords to celebrate the Today for Tomorrow campaign for a Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill for the UK. The Bill, modelled on the earlier Welsh legislation, was introduced as a private member’s bill by Lord Bird on 8 January. Its second reading is set for 13 March.

FDSD co-hosting parliamentary reception on Future Generations Bill

FDSD co-hosting parliamentary reception on Future Generations Bill

On February 12th, FDSD will be co-hosting a reception in the House of Lords to celebrate the Today for Tomorrow campaign for a Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill for the UK. The Bill, modelled on the earlier Welsh legislation, was introduced as a private member’s bill by Lord Bird on 8 January. Its second reading is set for 13 March.

Intergenerational Fairness Criteria Round Tables – London 17 April 2019

Intergenerational Fairness Criteria Round Tables – London 17 April 2019

Together with the FDSD, the School of International Futures (an organisation that helps policy-makers, business leaders and communities make strategic choices, manage risk and become future-ready) is hosting a Round Table on Intergenerational Fairness taking place on the afternoon of 17th April. We hope this will be the beginning of an innovative experiment towards a practical way of supporting intergenerationally fair policy-making.

The Future We Want: Shaping Environmental Politics | Networking event, London 26 Oct 2018

The Future We Want: Shaping Environmental Politics | Networking event, London 26 Oct 2018

We are delighted to invite you to a joint networking event with the PSA Specialist Group Environmental Politics, GreenHouse Think Tank, and Policy Connect on 26 October 2018 in London. Designed as a space for policymakers, academics and environmental NGOs to discuss environmental policy-making in a shifting political landscape, the programme will feature…

Will the Future Blame Us? Bringing Future Generations into Today’s Politics | London, 19 April 2018

Will the Future Blame Us? Bringing Future Generations into Today’s Politics | London, 19 April 2018

The FDSD and the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries are delighted to invite you to a joint evening event on 19 April 2018 in London. Bringing together experts from the policymaking community with academics and those from the actuarial profession and elsewhere in financial services, the interactive evening will examine the potential legislative levers for encouraging the explicit consideration of intergenerational issues in policymaking, including consideration of those not yet born.

World Development Within Planetary Boundaries | Johan RockstrĂśm Lecture, Guildford 2 Nov 2017

World Development Within Planetary Boundaries | Johan RockstrĂśm Lecture, Guildford 2 Nov 2017

The advent of the Anthropocene, the scientific recognition of the remarkably stable state of the Earth system during the Holocene Inter-glacial, the rising evidence of global risks of crossing Earth tipping points and the signs of a gradual decline in Earth resilience, constitute overwhelming evidence for the need of a deep mind-shift. Societies, business, Nations and the world at large, need to reconnect to the biosphere, and transform to world development within the safe operating space of a stable and resilient planet.

The Politics of Sustainable Prosperity | Research Workshop – Keele, 11 July 2017

The Politics of Sustainable Prosperity | Research Workshop – Keele, 11 July 2017

In times of climate change, overconsumption, and ecological collapse, we must re-think the meaning of prosperity: What is needed are new visions of environmentally sustainable, yet still flourishing societies. This research workshop considers the political foundations of such societies, bringing together papers on both the barriers and new possibilities of sustainability politics in the current conjecture.

Latest News & Comment

Death of founder trustee, Malcolm Aickin

Death of founder trustee, Malcolm Aickin

We were very sorry to hear of the death of Malcolm Aickin in December 2024, a former long-serving and dedicated trustee of FDSD. Malcolm was one of the founders of the Environment Foundation in 1982 and joined us in transforming that into FDSD before retiring as a trustee in 2010.

Wales—A Well-Being Nation 

Wales—A Well-Being Nation 

In this article, Derek Walker, Future Generations Commissioner of Wales, sets out his Office’s new seven year strategy, arguing that the WfG Act has to now “work harder and faster”, even though, at the same time as public finances, including his own office, are under severe pressure.

FDSD Newsletter, Autumn 2023

FDSD Newsletter, Autumn 2023

From national to local level, Scotland is rethinking how its policy, and participation practices, can better reflect sustainable development, wellbeing, and the needs of future generations. This FDSD newsletter showcases some of the activities that are happening, or are being considered.

Deepening Democracy for the Long Term | By Graham Smith

Deepening Democracy for the Long Term | By Graham Smith

The public’s perspectives on future generations are highly structured by the context in which they are articulated. A long-term perspective is rarely taken by people when they make immediate and everyday decisions – with the exception of those motivated by ‘lifetime-transcending interests’.