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The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development focused on making the connections between democratic governance and sustainable development. It transferred its work to the School for International Futures in 2025.

New UK Health Alliance on Climate Change to encourage healthy action on climate change

by | Apr 11, 2016 | News and Comment


Many of the key drivers of climate change also cause poor health through air pollution, high saturated fat intake and physical inactivity, argues the recently launched Health Alliance on Climate Change. Responding to climate change, says the group of major health institutions, can simultaneously address these health challenges, making many climate change policies more cost-effective and sensible public health interventions. “Similarly, health system strengthening and other measures to improve community health is one of the most effective adaptation strategies to minimise the harm to health caused by climate change.”

The alliance is convinced that “the health profession has a duty to protect and promote public health in the face of threats beyond the clinic, and have done so repeatedly, advocating for basic sanitation, vaccination coverage, and against tobacco for decades.” The group continues this tradition, “coordinating action, providing leadership, and amplifying the voice and actions of health professionals across the country.”

For more information, please visit the UKHACC website.