+ + +  A R C H I V E  + + + 

The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development focused on making the connections between democratic governance and sustainable development. It transferred its work to the School for International Futures in 2025.

Taking the longer view: UK governance options for a finite planet

by | Dec 21, 2010

This report suggests ten governance options for the UK to embed a more future-oriented approach in UK politics, including an Office for Future Generations to an annual Congress of the Future and a new parliamentary chamber.

Peter Roderick highlights some of the UK’s successes – for example, the Climate Change Act – and explores the range of possible approaches and institutions in other countries from constitutions, laws and political institutions (independent or parliamentary).


The full paper is available for download in pdf.


Appendix 1 Voluntary initiatives

Appendix 2 Other countries’ institutions

Appendix 3 Constitutional law discussion

You can download all the appendices here

Peter Roderick

December 2010, FDSD and WWF-UK