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The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development focused on making the connections between democratic governance and sustainable development. It transferred its work to the School for International Futures in 2025.

Renewing our democracy by placing people from all walks of life at the heart of decisions | Recommendations to Labour Policy Forum Inquiry

by | Apr 3, 2023

Image: courtesy of Nick Page / Unsplash

FDSD made a collective submission to the Labour Policy Forum on 17 March 2023 together with Involve, Demos, the Sortition Foundation, IsWe and Shared Future. In it we argued that since our current democracy is failing to tackle the big challenges of our time, we need to engage many more people from different backgrounds in all aspects of our political and policy decision-making

Citing the benefits, and giving examples, of participative and deliberative approaches to tackling complex problems, we suggested that this approach could even be used to restore trust in the UK’s democratic system by putting citizens at the heart of public inquiries into parliamentary behaviour, or using citizen’s juries to set the rules of conduct for MPs.


To read the full text, please see the Labour Policy Forum website.