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The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development focused on making the connections between democratic governance and sustainable development. It transferred its work to the School for International Futures in 2025.

Joint letter to Mr Cameron: We want a ‘New Politics of the Future’

by | Jan 16, 2010

Ten civil society chief executives, including FDSD, signed an open letter calling on Prime Minister David Cameron to go beyond his pledge for a ‘New Politics’ to adopt a “New Politics of the Future” since short-termism is hampering progress on tackling climate change; as well as changing demographics; youth unemployment; and environmental and social injustice.

The letter argues that the current political short-termism could even threaten democracy itself and called for measures to encourage MPs to consider the needs of future generations, as well as an annual “State of the Future” speech to be delivered by the Prime Minister.

1st June 2010