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The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development focused on making the connections between democratic governance and sustainable development. It transferred its work to the School for International Futures in 2025.

FDSD calls for definition of sustainable development in the Localism Bill

by | Oct 21, 2011

FDSD joined 28 other organisations, including the National Trust and the Town and Country Planning Association, to call for the then Localism Bill (now Localism Act) to be amended to include a definition of sustainable development.

โ€œWe believe that achieving sustainable development must be at the heart of the planning system. However, there is currently no unifying statutory definition of sustainable development and often decision-makers tend to focus on one pillar (economy, environment or society), rather than integration of all three. This has led to vague duties and weak delivery on the ground.โ€

The statement was sent to MPs in advance of the Report stage of the Billโ€™s passage through Parliament, and suggests a definition for sustainable development to apply to planning.

May, 2011