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The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development focused on making the connections between democratic governance and sustainable development. It transferred its work to the School for International Futures in 2025.

Democracy in the face of climate change: exploring the present, 2050, and beyond

by | Jan 20, 2016

This report summarises and updates the analysis and practical implications of previous FDSD work on the The Future of Democracy in the Face of Climate Change. It investigates the links between democracy and climate change, as well as the drivers of change that might impact on that relationship over time. The result of that analysis is a series of stories (or scenarios) about possible democracy and climate change futures. These scenarios can be used imaginatively in many different ways to enable strategic planning, and better  decisions by concerned individuals and organisations.

You can explore the original background papers from The Future of Democracy in the Face of Climate Change and also download each of the stories which were developed from the four scenarios in this report.

Here is a video of Septima Tulisa, a newly appointed Minister for Future Generations, delivering a speech from 2050 to illustrate the story of a Rationed Democracy scenario. It was presented at a TEDx event on Intergenerational Justice and Future Generations on 20th November 2011, Universal Children’s Day.


The paper by Halina Ward is available for download in pdf.