The Future of Democracy in the Face of Climate Change

The Future of Democracy in the Face of Climate Change

The Future of Democracy in the Face of Climate Change was a piece of research which ran from late 2009 to early 2012. It resulted in five reports which explore the question of: How might democracy and participatory decision-making have evolved to cope with the...

TEDx event, November 2011

Halina Ward spoke at a TEDx event for young people on future generations and intergenerational justice as the Minister for Future Generations in 2050, Septima Tulisa, jointly supported by FDSD, and held at London Zoo. Septima Tulisa, steps back in time from the year...

Intergenerational fairness, housing and planning policy

Following the suggestions of Intergenerational Foundation’s report Hoarding of Housing: the intergenerational crisis in the housing market, Halina Ward argues that the UK Government has no consistent approach to future generations, and that ‘future generation’...

Save the world’s only Commissioner for Future Generations

When FDSD learned that new administrative arrangements for Hungary’s Commissioner for Future Generations could water down the role of this unique institution, despite strengthened protection for the environment and future generations in Hungary’s new constitution, we...

Clegg’s Horizon Shift: the new politics of the future

On 9th September 2010, UK Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg called for a “horizon shift” to respond to a political culture and society which has become too short-term. Halina argues that, whilst the analysis is good, the proposed solutions – increased mobility...

On-line Activism, Democracy and Climate Change

Drawing on her experience at Australian online campaign group GetUp, Sally Hill considers the rise of online activism such as MoveOn, GetUp, 38 Degrees, and Avaaz, on democracy, focusing primarily on their climate change activities. Download The full paper by Sally...

Mobilising Democracy to Tackle Climate Change

Report of an event held by FDSD, Schumacher College, Dartington Hall Trust, Salzburg Global Seminar and Goodenough College, on 19th and 20th April 2010 at Goodenough College, London The seminar focussed on: what innovations are needed in democracy and participatory...

‘Climategate’: a salutary episode

Ian Christie argues that the “Climategate” scandal, where emails between scientists were stolen from the University of East Anglia in the UK, show that scientists need to better communicate the contested and probabilistic nature of data, be aware of their own values...