Decentralised Development Cooperation—the new driver for SDG implementation
Development cooperation isn’t only a matter between national governments anymore, a recent article by Stefano Marta and Aziza Akhmouch from the OECD finds – collaboration proves to be rather successful between local and regional authorities in different countries too. The process known as “decentralized development cooperation” has become a real driver for regional self-determination and active development work – in particular with regards to the SDGs.
Future Generations Commissioners: from Wales to the UK? | July 2017 Newsletter
The Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales has recently celebrated its first anniversary. This newsletter edition is dedicated to this important milestone.
One Year On: The View from the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales
Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, reflects on her first year in office.
One Year On: A View from Civil Society on the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales
The Future Generations Commissioner for Wales was established just over a year ago. We asked Anne Meikle, Head of WWF Cymru, to reflect on this novel institution.
Constitutional reform, sustainable development and the political parties
What do the election manifestos and Queen’s Speech tell us about the state of the constitutional reform debate in the UK and its relationship to sustainable development? Victor Anderson summarises.
Time to reach beyond the ‘elite’ | Blog by Simon Roberts
Widespread public participation is important not only for working out the best ideas to tackle complex problems or effectively implement change, but also to create agreement for major transitions in society or the economy. Simon Roberts, CEO of the Centre for Sustainable Energy in Bristol wrote this blog earlier in 2017, summarising a longer paper that argues that otherwise populist reactions against the ‘liberal metropolitan elite’ can undermine efforts to reduce carbon emissions.
New study identifies key trends in worldwide climate change litigation
A new global study by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has found that the number of lawsuits involving climate change has tripled since 2014 with most of climate change litigation cases being carried out in the U.S.
Participation and foresight on openDemocracy
The last week of April, FDSD Trustee and Director of the School of International Futures, Cat Tully, was invited to guest edit openDemocracy on the theme “Participation and foresight – putting people at the heart of the future”.
Audit Committee report on Government’s lack of ambition on SDGs
The House of Commons Audit Committee recently published its report Sustainable Development Goals in the UK. The Committee is critical of the Government’s lack of ambition in embedding the SDGs. Throughout the report, the Committee refers to recommendations from the evidence provided by FDSD, particularly on the need for Cabinet-level leadership, partnership working and transparent reporting.
A Future Generations Commissioner for the UK? Watch the video!
On April 11th, FDSD, in collaboration with the the Centre for the Study of Democracy (CSD) and the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP), organised an event to discuss the potential to establish a UK-wide Commissioner for Future Generations.
Open Government Network Wales | A report from the launch by Jetske Germing
Jetske Germing, Open Government Wales Officer at WCVA*, was at the launch of the new Open Government Pioneers project in Wales and in this guest blogs shares her insights. (The report first appeared on the WCVA blog page.)
A Future Generations Commissioner for the UK | London, 11 April 2017
This event will explore the potential to establish a UK-wide Commissioner for Future Generations. We will hear from speakers who have intimate knowledge of the work of Commissioners and Ombudsman around the world.
Trump, sustainable development, and the J-curve | Blog by John Lotherington
The election of Donald Trump as President of the Unites States, and his early actions as President – so reminiscent of his reality TV performances, but now with real and potentially destructive impact – have significance for the whole world, but they are of course the latest iteration of a populist trend which has been growing across the developed world….
1st Newsletter 2017 | Improving Water Governance: to avoid conflict and increase sustainability
Water is arguably our most essential resource, but its availability and quality is increasingly at risk, with the related danger of international conflict. This newsletter explores how water can become an ‘enabler and connector’ between sustainability goals, and how...
Welsh Water – a different way of doing business | Blog by Peter Davies
Peter Davies is an FDSD Trustee and Chairs Welsh Water’s Customer Challenge Group. Where I was born in Pembrokeshire in south west Wales, 61 years ago, our water came from a well. Piped water arrived only after my father dug a ¾ mile trench to connect to the mains....
Integrated Management at local scale to achieve global Sustainable Development Goals
Dimple Roy is Director, Water, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). When it comes to safeguarding the future of our natural habitats, natural resources, livelihoods, and economies for future generations, we now have the guidance of the...
Local authorities should involve local community groups much more in climate resilience
The Urban Heat project has released its final report highlighting the distinctive and largely untapped potential of the local voluntary and community group sector (VCS) in the developm ent of local climate resilience and emergency response. On the basis of three local...
Taking account of intergenerational fairness | New IFoA Bulletin launched
The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) has launched the first in a series of bulletins on intergenerational fairness. Focussing on the risks to financial stability posed by climate change, it seeks to raise risk awareness among decision makers of not...