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The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development focused on making the connections between democratic governance and sustainable development. It transferred its work to the School for International Futures in 2025.


Vacancy: Campaigns Manager for #TodayForTomorrow campaign

Vacancy: Campaigns Manager for #TodayForTomorrow campaign

Following its successful launch in early Spring 2020, the #TodayForTomorrow campaign—founded to advance the Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill through the UK Parliament—is now looking for an experienced campaign manager to lead this project forwards. Closing date for applications: 4 June 2020.

Vacancy | APPG for Future Generations is hiring a Parliamentary Coordinator

Vacancy | APPG for Future Generations is hiring a Parliamentary Coordinator

The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Future Generations is looking for a Parliamentary Coordinator to help the cross-party group with strategy setting, event and management and policy development. Work in Parliament and join the growing team looking to tackle political short-termism and find ways to internalise responsibilities for future generations into today’s policy making.

Launching the Campaign for a UK Future Generations Act

Launching the Campaign for a UK Future Generations Act

FDSD is playing a leading role in developing the campaign for a UK Future Generations Act in partnership with Lord Bird and the Big Issue. On Tuesday 12 February, a standing room-only meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Future Generations considered the draft Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill. In the evening, a crowded reception of civil society and business supporters of the Bill celebrated the launch of the campaign.

FDSD welcomes UK Climate Assembly

FDSD welcomes UK Climate Assembly

FDSD has long supported the wider use of participatory and deliberative processes such as citizens’ assemblies in bringing the voice of citizens into political decision making. We are therefore delighted that the first weekend of the UK Climate Assembly has been a success.

Shaping the campaign for a UK Future Generations Act

Shaping the campaign for a UK Future Generations Act

FDSD was delighted to host a workshop at the University of Westminster to develop the campaign for the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act being led by Lord Bird. The event attracted representatives from around 30 organisations, including UK Student Climate Network, WWF-UK, Carnegie Trust UK, IPPR, Intergenerational Foundation.

Activism in a new climate | Conference and theatre, Manchester 29 Apr 2020

Activism in a new climate | Conference and theatre, Manchester 29 Apr 2020

The 6th CUSP Nature of Prosperity Dialogue takes as its theme the challenge of Activism in a New Climate. The Manchester event promises to be a lively debate between politicians, activists and academics on one of the most topical questions of our time: how should citizens now act in the face of the climate crisis? Booking is now open online. Further details will be confirmed shortly.

#TODAYFORTOMORROW | Lord Bird introduces Future Generations Bill

#TODAYFORTOMORROW | Lord Bird introduces Future Generations Bill

Our politics is too short-term. Our democracy seems unable to deal with long-term challenges. But change is at hand. With support from FDSD and other partners, The Big Issue founder, Lord Bird, has introduced the Future Generations Bill in the UK Parliament, and is working to build a cross-party alliance of MPs and Peers to change the law.

Future Generations Podcast | Reasons to be Cheerful with FDSD trustee Andrea Westall

Future Generations Podcast | Reasons to be Cheerful with FDSD trustee Andrea Westall

“When they go short-term, we go long-term…” FDSD trustee Andrea Westall recently joined Ed Miliband and Geoff Lloyd for their Reasons to be Cheerful Podcast, to discuss the urgent need for representation of future generations in today’s politics. With invited guests including Sophie Howe and Laurie Laybourn-Langton the podcast investigates the prevalent short-termism in politics, its impact on key issues such as the environmental emergency and how to design new institutions to overcome it.

Call for applicants to join our board

Call for applicants to join our board

FDSD is a London-based think tank that explores the critical links between flourishing democracy and sustainable development. Through research, advocacy and dialogue, we build the evidence and make the connections needed to secure fairness for all and a healthy...