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The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development focused on making the connections between democratic governance and sustainable development. It transferred its work to the School for International Futures in 2025.


Can Cities Use the Doughnut Model to Hack Liberal Democracy | A Carnegie Europe Article

Can Cities Use the Doughnut Model to Hack Liberal Democracy | A Carnegie Europe Article

The question “Can Cities Use the Doughnut Model to Hack Liberal Democracy?” is analysed in Olivia Lazard’s article inĀ Carnegie Europe. TheĀ Doughnut ModelĀ developed by Kate Raworth has been applied in many cities as a method to tackle the climate crisis. As centers of economic activity and democratic institutions, cities can lead the systemic change needed to support sustainable development.

Time to reconcile conflict and collaborationā€”some insights from mediation | Blog by Andrea Westall

Time to reconcile conflict and collaborationā€”some insights from mediation | Blog by Andrea Westall

Extending the range of practical innovations in democracy to fully tackle the complex challenges we are facing, will need a range of skills, tools and techniques. Neither the current ā€˜waveā€™ of deliberation, nor adapted alternative dispute resolution processes, will be enough by themselves, Andrea Westall writes, but combining insights from the variety of deliberative and participative approaches available, together with ways of working through, and with, sometimes profound differences, may well be.

Is the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act standing up to the test of time and delivering for future generations? | Blog by Peter Davies

Is the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act standing up to the test of time and delivering for future generations? | Blog by Peter Davies

The Wellbeing for Future Generations (Wales) Act became law in 2015. A previous FDSD blog reflected on development of the Act from my perspective as Sustainable Futures Commissioner for Wales from 2011-16, setting out its genesis in the devolution process. This is now well documented by Jane Davidson, the then Minster, in her book Lessons from a Small Country.

Launch of new report and ICEN network on climate engagement

Launch of new report and ICEN network on climate engagement

The Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University in Canada has published the report Can Public Participation Accelerate the Transition to Net-Zero?: Innovations and Challenges for Advancing the Field of Climate Engagement. The report aims to inspire and support governments and practitioners in their climate engagement work and inform the creation of the International Climate Engagement Network (ICEN).

Localising the Global Goals | FDSD session at UN Global Compact Network conference on Responsible Business and SDGs

Localising the Global Goals | FDSD session at UN Global Compact Network conference on Responsible Business and SDGs

The SDGs have only 9 more years to go, but they are still not integrated into local government strategy and delivery in England. To help explore why, and share good practice, FDSD worked with UN Global Compact Network UK, Bristol City Office, and the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the UN Goals for Sustainable Development to run a session on 21st July 2021 on Localising the Global Goals at the UN Global Compact Network UKā€™s Conference on Responsible Business and SDGs (from where you can download the event).

Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies (KNOCA) launched

Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies (KNOCA) launched

The European Climate Foundation has launched the Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies (KNOCA) as a ā€˜go toā€™ place for those seeking considered, rigorous and widely-sourced input on the design and implementation of climate assemblies. FDSDā€™s own Professor Graham Smith has been appointed as the founding chair of the network.

Can Democracy Safeguard the Future? | New book by Graham Smith

Can Democracy Safeguard the Future? | New book by Graham Smith

Our democracies repeatedly fail to safeguard the future. From pensions to pandemics, health and social care through to climate, biodiversity and emerging technologies, democracies have been unable to deliver robust policies for the long term. In his new book,Ā Can Democracy Safeguard the FUture?, FDSD chair Prof Graham Smith asks why.

Democracy, the Long View and Health in the light of COVID | By John Lotherington

Democracy, the Long View and Health in the light of COVID | By John Lotherington

COVID-19 is yet another example of persistent failures in long-term thinking and practice by the UK Government. This blog by FDSD trustee John Lotherington is drawing on a conversation between Jennifer Dixon, Chief Executive of the Health Foundation with FDSD trustees, Peter Davies, John Lotherington, Graham Smith, and Andrea Westall. The views contained in this blog are however those of the author alone.

Video | Nature of Prosperity Dialogue with Roman Krznaric, Jane Davdison and Rebecca Willis

Video | Nature of Prosperity Dialogue with Roman Krznaric, Jane Davdison and Rebecca Willis

How can we nurture visions of the good life that preserve nature and protect the interests of future generations? Can new institutions help us to re-invigorate democracy? Can creativity inspire us to conserve what we love? How can we become the ā€˜good ancestorsā€™ we would wish for our kids, in the world they will inherit? On 17 November 2020, FDSD and the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity co-hosted the latest event in the series of dialogues on the Nature of Prosperity, chaired by Dr Rowan Williams, 104th Archbishop of Canterbury.