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The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development focused on making the connections between democratic governance and sustainable development. It transferred its work to the School for International Futures in 2025.

Building a more effective and participatory government | Workshop with Matthew Quinn and Walter Pasquarelli, 22 Sept 2022

by | Oct 17, 2022 | News and Comment

On 20 September 2022, FDSD partnered with the Institute for Government and the Bennett Institute, University of Cambridge to hold a workshop at IfG on Building a more effective and participatory government—to improve policy-making and delivery. Participants from central and local government, civil society and academia discussed an initial presentation by Matthew Quinn, Distinguished Visiting Fellow at Cardiff University, and author of: Towards a New Civic Bureaucracy: Lessons from Sustainable Development for the Crisis of Governance.

Drawing on his experience of central and Welsh government, Matthew suggested a new legal basis and rationale for public administration, one which focusses on societal and environmental wellbeing, rather than economic efficiency. In place of technocracy, he proposed a more participative and inclusive civic democracy. After breakout groups, Walter Pasquarelli, winner of the 2022 Bennett Prospect Prize for Public Policy offered his reflections on the discussions.
