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The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development focused on making the connections between democratic governance and sustainable development. It transferred its work to the School for International Futures in 2025.

The Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill

by | Feb 10, 2022

The Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill is a private members’ bill ensuring that public bodies consider future generations when making decisions and creating new policies. The Bill, led by Lord Bird and co-sponsored by Simon Fell MP, will protect the wellbeing of current and future generations by putting a legal obligation on long-term thinking at the centre of UK policy-making. On the 4th February 2022, the Bill received its third reading in the House of Lords and is now making its way to the House of Commons.

This preventive bill offers a “future generations test” for all new policy changes by setting environmental, social, economic and cultural wellbeing targets. If the Bill is passed into law, government departments and public bodies will be held accountable for reaching these goals. In this way the bill will address the climate crisis, poverty and health inequalities. The Bill, inspired by the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, aims to establish a Future Generations Commissioner for the UK and to set up a Joint Parliamentary Committee on Future Generations. A further ambition of the bill is to require a minister in each government department that is mandated to “promote the future”.

Other key provisions in the Bill include an increase in preventive spending within public bodies and a requirement of the Secretary of State to publish national indicators measuring progress towards wellbeing goals. Additionally, public bodies will be expected to report annually to Parliament and medium-size companies and above will be required to account for how their activities relate to the wellbeing of the UK.

The Bill has been promoted by the cross-party campaign #Todayfortomorrow led by Lord Bird at The Big Issue. The initiative has gained support from over 70 MPs and many sponsors. FDSD has worked actively with Lord Bird, helping craft the content of the Bill, and in parliament. We continue to work closely as an advisor to #Today4Tomorrow.
