The German Council for Sustainable Development advises on policy and proposes targets

by | Oct 20, 2014

The German Council for Sustainable Development advises “the government on its sustainable development policy and, by presenting proposals for targets and indicators, seeks to advance the Sustainability Strategy as well as propose projects for its realization.” It is also tasked with raising public awareness and initiating dialogues with different groups on these issues.

The council includes parliamentarians, NGO representatives and academics. Their overall aim is to see how sustainable development can be further developed to become more substantive. Their interventions in the legislative process are made by providing expert opinion rather than being able to propose laws.

The council’s mandate is also to “foster social dialogue on the issue of sustainability. The objective here is to increase the level of awareness among all concerned and the population as to what sustainable development actually means by demonstrating the consequences of social action and discussing possible solutions.


Find out more on the Nachhaltigkeitsrat website.