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The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development focused on making the connections between democratic governance and sustainable development. It transferred its work to the School for International Futures in 2025.

Futures Centre | Online community to track change and accelerate sustainable action

by | Mar 9, 2017

The Futures Centre is an online community run by Forum for the Future, an independent, international non-profit “with a 20 year track record in driving sustainable development”. Its purpose is to accelerate ‘the big shift’ to a sustainable future by transforming whole systems.

By tracking trends, sharing resources, and stimulating dialogue, the platform harnesses “the digital world to explore how change is unfolding and make considered choices about what we do today for better outcomes tomorrow.”

The platform serves as a data base and community platform. Anybody can submit ‘signals of change’ they’re spotting anywhere in the world, the editorial team then carefully curates the information, “drawing out insights and finding windows of opportunity for change in areas which seem ripe for transformation.” The team looks for patterns and connections between the different signals being shared, thus informing the longer ‘sensemaking’ pieces.


For full information and registration visit the Future Centre website: www.thefuturescentre.org.