OECD Guideline for SDG Policy Coherence including understanding and managing trade-offs and transboundary impacts
From the OECD website: "Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as an integrated and coherent set represents a major challenge to all countries. Addressing interactions between economic, social and environmental goals in a balanced manner, while...
Project Skyline—Planning for community ownership and long-term management of landscape in Welsh Valleys
Project Skyline is a feasibility study that is looking at the possibility of communities managing the landscape that surrounds their town or village. The project is being run by The Green Valleys Community Interest Company (TGV CIC) with funding from the Friends...
Riversimple—Eco-car company with unique stewardship model to reflect and delivery for the environment and society
The Riversimple model of governance is constructed "to represent and be relevant to society today", the governance statement says, "just as (their) product and service must represent and be relevant to that society. Six custodial roles have been identified...
Three Horizons Toolkit for Welsh Government and public bodies to think and act for the long-term
The Three Horizons Toolkit is a usefully accessible framework that helps people to think and plan for the longer term; rather than being trapped in the here and now—and thereby potentially missing opportunities or not spotting risks. The toolkit was developed by...
Knesset Commission for Future Generations
The Commission for Future Generations was established in Israel in 2001 and lasted for one term of office until 2006. The Commission had a specific focus on the practices of the Knesset: the Commissioner was empowered to examine any parliamentary bill and secondary...
Climate Just | Information tool for equitable responses to climate change at the local level
“Climate Just is an information tool designed to help with the delivery of equitable responses to climate change at the local level. Its main focus is to assist the development of socially just responses to the impacts of extreme events, such as flooding and...
Futures Centre | Online community to track change and accelerate sustainable action
The Futures Centre is an online community run by Forum for the Future, an independent, international non-profit “with a 20 year track record in driving sustainable development”. Its purpose is to accelerate ‘the big shift’ to a sustainable future by transforming whole...
Alternative UK | facing the future creatively
The Alternative UK is a new political platform based in the United Kingdom and is inspired and associated with the Danish Green party Alternativet. Through curation, editorial, public events, commissioning and research, the platform aims “to transform the language and...
Economics for Everyone | The Citizens Economic Council
‘It's the economy, stupid’! Governments rise and fall on the back of economic success or failure. For the public, the economy is consistently ranked among the top three issues of concern. Yet, few people feel literate enough to understand economic policy, to...
Ashton Hayes Going Carbon Neutral
The Ashton Hayes Going Carbon Neutral Project is a community-led initiative that is aimed at making the village "the first carbon neutral community in England". Located in rural Cheshire, Ashton Hayes has cut its carbon dioxide emissions by already 40% since 2006. The...
The Basque Declaration
On 23rd May representatives of cities, organisations, and citizens concerned about sustainable development and the future of our urban areas have been invited to endorse The Basque Declaration. This builds on the Aalborg Charter (1994) and the Aalborg Commitments...
LegislationLab.org – enabling public discussion of upcoming legislation
Image (modifed): courtesy of Barn Images / flickr.com (CC0) Legislation Lab is an online platform for enabling public discussion of upcoming legislation. International in reach, it offers citizens easy access to legislation – as well as examples of related experiences...
UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16—importance of participatory institutions & policymaking
The UN adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in New York in September 2015. Former FDSD Trustee Janos Zlinsky was active in the development of these Goals as part of a UN Open Working Group (OWG) formed in 2013,...
The Manifesto for Democracy and Sustainability – reflections and background
FDSD’s first programme of work, 2009 to 2013, culminated in a Manifesto for Democracy and Sustainability, the guiding principles being: We cherish sustainability: meeting the needs of people now without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own...
The Climate Knowledge Brokers’ Manifesto
Climate Knowledge Brokers (CKB) Group is an emerging alliance of leading global, regional and national knowledge brokers specialising in climate and development information. They launched a Manifesto on September 17th 2015, to better acknowledge the critical role of...
The Ecuadorian Constitution was the first national constitution to give rights to nature
In 2008, Ecuador codified the rights of nature within its Constitution. Articles 71–74 in particular recognise the rights of nature to respect; the maintenance and regeneration of its functions and processes; its restoration; the limitation or prevention of activities...
The World Business Council for Sustainable Business: thought leadership, practical action & work with governments
The World Business Council for Sustainable Business “is a CEO-led organization of forward-thinking companies that galvanizes the global business community to create a sustainable future for business, society and the environment.” It provides thought leadership...
Marine Stewardship Council provides standards and education to create sustainable fisheries and marine ecosystems
"MSC's theory of change describes how our ecolabelling and certification program contributes to achieving our vision of the world’s oceans teeming with life, and seafood supplies safeguarded for this and future generations." The Marine Stewardship Council was set up...
The UK’s 2008 Climate Change Act was one of the first laws to recognise carbon limits and commit to binding targets
The UK climate act formed the Committee on Climate Change to advise on UK policy (Photo: The CCC) The UK's 2008 Climate Change Act was one of the first pieces of national legislation to recognise carbon limits and to commit successive governments to binding emissions...
Common Cause fosters values such as care for others & concern for nature through supportive framing and language
Common Cause believes it is important to tackle complex sustainability problems and democracy in a mutually supportive way by fostering "intrinsic" values that support self-acceptance, care for others and concerns for the natural world, rather than ones...
Give your vote—UK voters pledged votes in 2010 to people in other countries directly affected by UK policies
In May 2010, thousands of people in the UK gave their votes to people outside the country to protest the lack of democracy in international decisions of climate change, migration, trade and war...UK voters in the UK pledged their votes to people in Afghanistan,...
Carbon Conversations: “a supportive group experience that helps people halve their personal carbon footprint”
Carbon Conversations “offer a supportive group experience that helps people halve their personal carbon footprint through facilitated discussions." The Surefoot Effect, a community interest company, manages the Carbon Conversations programme. It also delivers...
The Long Now Foundation 10,000 Year Clock is a project to “creatively foster long-term thinking”
The Long Now Foundation “hopes to provide a counterpoint to today's accelerating culture and help make long-term thinking more common”. Inspired by a recognition that our time horizons, whether personal, democratic or financial, are becoming ever shorter, the Long Now...
Education for Sustainability (ESD) supports informed democratic engagement, as well as personal and group action
Education for Sustainability (ESD) has been particularly supported by UNESCO. Their website sets out the arguments for, and approaches to, how such knowledge can be gained. Overall, it believes that ESD: is based on the principles and values that underlie sustainable...