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The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development focused on making the connections between democratic governance and sustainable development. It transferred its work to the School for International Futures in 2025.

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The Democracy Network

The Democracy Network

The Democracy Network is a ā€œnetwork of people and organisations working on issues of power, democracy and voice in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Irelandā€. It works to ā€œbuild a stronger democracy by connecting people and supporting collaboration, increasing...

The Future of Everyday Democracy

The Future of Everyday Democracy

The future of everyday democracy is an interactive visualization of a future world, created by Finn Strivens, Eva Oosterlaken, and The National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (Nesta).Ā This vision was also inspired by the 19 winners of the Democracy...

The Democracy Box

The Democracy Box

By using creative ways to inform and engage people of all generations, The Democracy Box project aims to make sure that everyone understands UK democracy. The Democracy Box is a neutral and non-party political project based in Wales and stems from the understanding...

mySociety | Repowering Democracy Through Civic Participation

mySociety | Repowering Democracy Through Civic Participation

mySociety is a not-for-profit organisation promoting and developing online technologies to enhance civic participation. Established in 2003, mySociety operates across three practice areas: democracy, transparency, and community. Additionally, mySociety is aiming to...

Participatory Futures Techniques

Participatory Futures Techniques

  Participatory Futures refer to a range of approaches for collectively imagining, exploring, and designing the landscape of possible futures. These approaches can provide a mechanism to incorporate long-term thinking within democratic systems and improve...

Shaping Walesā€™ Future: National Indicators and Milestones

Shaping Walesā€™ Future: National Indicators and Milestones

    As part of Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, national indicators for measuring progress towards the achievement of the Well-being goals must be published by Welsh ministers. A national indicator must ā€œbe expressed as a value or...

Future Generations Commissioner for Wales

Future Generations Commissioner for Wales

In April 2016 the first Future Generations Commissioner for Wales was appointed as part of the legal obligations built into The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act. The Commissionerā€™s role is to promote sustainable development, to act as the guardian of...

The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act

The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act

The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act places obligations on 44 public bodies in Wales to meet Well-being goals while maintaining the sustainable development principle. The Act also establishes a Future Generations Commissioner for WalesĀ as a new institution...

The Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill

The Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill

The Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill is a private membersā€™ bill ensuring that public bodies consider future generations when making decisions and creating new policies. The Bill, led by Lord Bird and co-sponsored by Simon Fell MP, will protect the wellbeing of...

Ecocide Law

Ecocide Law

In June 2021, an Independent Expert Panel for the Legal Definition of Ecocide produced a definition and proposed a draft amendment to the Rome Statute. This amendment identifies ecocide among the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes,...

The Intergenerational Solidarity Index

The Intergenerational Solidarity Index

The Intergenerational Solidarity Index (ISI), created by Jamie McQuilkin, measures the extent to which a nation provides for the wellbeing of its future generations. The ISI covers 122 countries and over 91% of the worldā€™s population. This index is measured by using...

KNOCA | The Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies

KNOCA | The Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies

The Knowledge Network on Climate AssembliesĀ (KNOCA),Ā launchedĀ in June 2021, is a new European network founded by theĀ European Climate Foundation. TheĀ aim of KNOCAĀ is to bring together academics, policy makers, activists and anyone interested to answer the question of...

Citizens’ Assemblies

Citizens’ Assemblies

In the past decade, Citizensā€™ Assemblies have risen in prominence. This evolving form of democracy uses representative deliberative processesĀ to tackle complex policy challenges by bringing theĀ voice of citizensĀ into political decision-making. Typically, Citizensā€™...

Climate Assemblies

Climate Assemblies

Alongside climate summits dominated by world leaders, politicians and experts, we are also seeing the rise of Climate Assemblies ā€” a new form of discussion, led by citizens.Ā Climate AssembliesĀ offer a response to the climate emergency byĀ bringing public wisdom into...

Global Assembly – The first global Climate Assembly

Global Assembly – The first global Climate Assembly

  The Global Assembly is the first ever citizensā€™ assembly aiming to involve people from all over the world in proposing a possible response to climate change. This innovative process provides a novel infrastructure for global governance comprised entirely of...

Our Childrenā€™s Trust

Our Childrenā€™s Trust

Our Childrenā€™s Trust is a non-profit public interest law firm, providing services to young people with the aim of helping them secure legal rights for a safe climate. By offering strategic and campaign-based legal services, Our Childrenā€™s Trust works towards ā€œsecuring...

Japanā€™s movement of Future Design councils

Japanā€™s movement of Future Design councils

  Japanā€™s Future Design movement offers a unique model for overcoming short-termism in democratic decision-making. Drawing on traditional culture, Future Design is inspired by the principle of seventh-generation decision making, with the aim of strengthening...

Green Foundation Ireland

Green Foundation Ireland

Green Foundation Ireland is a registered Charity that aims to "create an awareness of the importance of an ecological and sustainable Ireland through education and community projects". It works in areas such as education for sustainability, active citizenship,...

The Democracy Collaborative

The Democracy Collaborative

The goal of the Democracy Collaborative is to build a national community "in which wealth is democratised, ecological resilience is regenerated, and the marginalised become the core of concern, as the nation re-knits the economic fabric of interdependence without...