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The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development focused on making the connections between democratic governance and sustainable development. It transferred its work to the School for International Futures in 2025.

Managing the Psychological Distance of Climate Change

Managing the Psychological Distance of Climate Change

Climate change is a notoriously ā€˜distantā€™ risk for most people. We hear about it in the news, but it rarely seems relevant to our everyday life ā€“ ā€œit feels ā€˜not hereā€™ and it feels ā€˜not nowā€™ā€. This sense of non-urgency couldnā€™t be further away from the actual impact...
The UK, the SDGs, and particularly SDG 16

The UK, the SDGs, and particularly SDG 16

The UK Government hasnā€™t yet involved the public or any other stakeholder in discussions about the relevance of the UNā€™s Sustainable Development Goals for domestic application in the UK. According to BONDā€™s report on Bringing the Goals Home: Implementing the SDGs in...
Governance the Key to SDG Success

Governance the Key to SDG Success

The UN: success of Sustainable Development goals depends very much on process. Image: number10gov/flickr,Ā CC BY-NC James Patterson, Florian Koch, and Kathryn Bowen have written an article examining key governance issues underpinning the success of theĀ UN’s...
Climate Risks and Democracy

Climate Risks and Democracy

Ecological crises can make politics horrible: panic-inducing scarcity, ethnic and religious conflict, hunger driven imperialism. In his latest essay “Climate Apocalypse and/or Democracy”, Professor Jedediah Purdy is shedding light on the fact that an...