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The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development focused on making the connections between democratic governance and sustainable development. It transferred its work to the School for International Futures in 2025.

Climate Assemblies

Climate Assemblies

Alongside climate summits dominated by world leaders, politicians and experts, we are also seeing the rise of Climate Assemblies — a new form of discussion, led by citizens. Climate Assemblies offer a response to the climate emergency by bringing public wisdom into...
Global Assembly – The first global Climate Assembly

Global Assembly – The first global Climate Assembly

  The Global Assembly is the first ever citizens’ assembly aiming to involve people from all over the world in proposing a possible response to climate change. This innovative process provides a novel infrastructure for global governance comprised entirely of...
Japan’s movement of Future Design councils

Japan’s movement of Future Design councils

  Japan’s Future Design movement offers a unique model for overcoming short-termism in democratic decision-making. Drawing on traditional culture, Future Design is inspired by the principle of seventh-generation decision making, with the aim of strengthening...
FDSD welcomes UK Climate Assembly

FDSD welcomes UK Climate Assembly

FDSD has long supported the wider use of participatory and deliberative processes such as citizens’ assemblies in bringing the voice of citizens into political decision making. We are therefore delighted that the first weekend of the UK Climate Assembly has been a...