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The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development focused on making the connections between democratic governance and sustainable development. It transferred its work to the School for International Futures in 2025.

Citizen Science

Citizen Science

One avenue toward democratizing sustainable development is to engage more people in the science of sustainability. An example is The Open Air Laboratories (OPAL) network, led by Imperial College London. OPAL engages people through science-based activities that can be...
A Carbon Tax on Me

A Carbon Tax on Me

No taxation without representation, right? So one way of guaranteeing a carbon tax is to impose one on yourself. That’s just what David Lawrence did and he tells the story over on The Energy Collective in his article “a Carbon tax on me: one person’s story of a...

Workshops with Envision, UK

FDSD’s Nicolò Wojewoda led two workshops for London students aged from 15-18 as part of the Envision programme. Envision is a charity which provides hands-on support for young people in schools and colleges on issues relating to citizenship education, sustainable...

TEDx event, November 2011

Halina Ward spoke at a TEDx event for young people on future generations and intergenerational justice as the Minister for Future Generations in 2050, Septima Tulisa, jointly supported by FDSD, and held at London Zoo. Septima Tulisa, steps back in time from the year...

‘Climategate’: a salutary episode

Ian Christie argues that the “Climategate” scandal, where emails between scientists were stolen from the University of East Anglia in the UK, show that scientists need to better communicate the contested and probabilistic nature of data, be aware of their own values...
Democracy and Sustainability

Democracy and Sustainability

Responding to Provocations by Ian Christie and Sara Parkin, Tim O’Riordan argues that we need to increase ‘virtue’ – civic responsibility and political accountability, as well as debate and awareness – and sets out desired futures for a more ‘ecological...