Call for papers | Sustainable Earth 2017, 29-30 June 2017

You are invited to participate in Sustainable Earth 2017 – a global forum for connecting research with action taking place on 29 and 30 June 2017 at Plymouth University. The University is inviting papers from the academic community on sustainability research and also...
Economics is for Everyone! | Provocation by Graham Smith

Economics is for Everyone! | Provocation by Graham Smith

The economy is an area of decision-making fiercely protected by experts and politicians from public participation. But public confidence in this closed policy community is waning and arguments for democratic participation in an area that so profoundly shapes all our...
Economics for Everyone | The Citizens Economic Council

Economics for Everyone | The Citizens Economic Council

‘It’s the economy, stupid’! Governments rise and fall on the back of economic success or failure. For the public, the economy is consistently ranked among the top three issues of concern. Yet, few people feel literate enough to understand economic policy, to...