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The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development focused on making the connections between democratic governance and sustainable development. It transferred its work to the School for International Futures in 2025.

The Politics of Sustainable Prosperity | Research Workshop – Keele, 11 July 2017

by | May 31, 2017

In times of climate change, overconsumption, and ecological collapse, we must re-think the meaning of prosperity: What is needed are new visions of environmentally sustainable, yet still flourishing societies. This research workshop considers the political foundations of such societies, bringing together papers on both the barriers and new possibilities of sustainability politics in the current conjecture.

The first half of the day addresses the role of the state, analysing the limitations of today’s ‘environmental states’ as well as the emergence of a new ‘climate state’. The second half explores key discourses and arenas beyond the state, such as cultural politics and the de-growth movement. Finally, a roundtable discussion with the presenters and discussants brings the different perspectives together, to explore new ideas and debates on what the future politics of sustainable prosperity could look like.

Further details about the speakers and workshop sessions can be accessed on the CUSP website. The workshop is free to attend, registration is required.