The advent of the Anthropocene, the scientific recognition of the remarkably stable state of the Earth system during the Holocene Inter-glacial, the rising evidence of global risks of crossing Earth tipping points and the signs of a gradual decline in Earth resilience, constitute overwhelming evidence for the need of a deep mind-shift. Societies, business, Nations and the world at large, need to reconnect to the biosphere, and transform to world development within the safe operating space of a stable and resilient planet. This is nothing less than a global sustainability revolution, where prosperity and equity evolves within biophysical Earth system boundaries. Circular economic principles, novel system innovations and transformations, planetary stewardship and universal values of equity and shared responsibility, thereby naturally form important cornerstones in Humanity’s future on Earth.
Johan Rockström will be giving his lecture at the University of Surrey in Guildford, 2 November 6.30pm. The event is free to attend, registration is required. For further details and bookings, please go to the CUSP website.