by | Feb 6, 2017
You are invited to participate in Sustainable Earth 2017 – a global forum for connecting research with action taking place on 29 and 30 June 2017 at Plymouth University. The University is inviting papers from the academic community on sustainability research and also...
by | Jan 9, 2017
With many wondering what 2017 has in store for the global climate movement, the All Party Parliamentary Climate Change Group is organising an event to reflect on how best to focus our energies and efforts in 2017. The public session is chaired by chaired by Caroline...
by | Dec 1, 2016
Sustainability in turbulent times: How can research, policy and business meet global challenges?’ Conference, Thursday 16 March 2017, London These are turbulent times in which to advance sustainable development. Join 350 professionals from academia, policy, business...
by | Nov 9, 2016
The world’s first universal set of Sustainable Development Goals came into force on 1 January 2016. How do we translate the ambition of 17 Goals and 169 Targets into transformational action in the UK? Save the date The UKSSD Annual Conference will take place on the...
by | Nov 9, 2016
The vote to leave the EU exposed the poor quality of public debate about complex issues in the UK, and demonstrated the need for a complete rethink of the way we communicate about and engage citizens in economics. The outcome of the referendum also presented us with a...
by | Nov 9, 2016
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Limits to Growth has launched a landmark debate in the Houses of Parliament. In a world of environmental and social limits, is there still a role for economic growth in delivering a sustainable prosperity? We are particularly...
by | Oct 6, 2016
The Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP) is inviting paper submissions for the workshop “Beyond the Environmental State? Exploring the Political Prospects of a Sustainability Transformation” as part of the ECPR Joint Sessions of...
by | Oct 1, 2016
Call for papers Papers are invited for a symposium on climate change communications, to be held in Manchester from 22-24 February 2017. Organised by Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University and the International Climate Change...
by | Aug 22, 2016
The renowned environmental magazine Resurgence is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year with a three day event: One Earth, One Humanity, One Future. Amongst a select set of outstanding ecological, environmental, social and spiritual thinkers, artists, politicians...
by | Jun 10, 2016
The Green Economy Coalition (GEC) is holding its 2016 Global Meeting on “The state of the global transition” on 26th and 27th July in the City of London. The two day meeting will be one of the largest gatherings of civil society and researchers working on...
by | Jun 10, 2016
The Citizens Economic Council is a new RSA programme “that will engage an independently selected group of 50 citizens who are representative of the UK in conversations about economic policy. The citizens will engage with economists, leading thinkers and...
by | Jun 7, 2016
As the EU Referendum draws closer much has been reported in the media about what leaving the EU would mean for the economy, immigration and travel abroad. But what would leaving the EU mean for Equalities? Would leaving the EU mean more or less protection for minority...
by | May 20, 2016
“The developing interdisciplinary field of valuing nature for natural resource management is often set within wider commitments to strengthen and deepen stakeholder and public engagement in decision making. In principle, participatory approaches offer a socially...
by | Apr 29, 2016
A major new dialogue on The Nature of Prosperity opens with a public event on May 23rd at Central Hall, Westminster. The event also marks the launch of the ESRC-funded Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity and features Dr Rowan Williams, former...
by | Apr 21, 2016
“When it comes to the environment, integrated thinking and wide agreement are crucial. To achieve this, key stakeholders need to be involved in agreeing plans, policies or practice, whether at a strategic or local level or even within organisations.” On...
by | Apr 8, 2016
This weekend event at Kings College London brings together people from various backgrounds to learn from each other and work together on how to develop their own projects and bring about concrete social change. With the aim to enable more people to contribute to and...
by | Mar 24, 2016
The environmental and social planning consultancy, Essential Planning Ltd., is offering a training course for the internationally recognised IAP2 Foundations in Public Participation, which will provide participants with an overview of public participation, best...
by | Mar 24, 2016
The event on 11 April, hosted by the ESRC’s The UK in a Changing Europe (UKiCE) Initiative, will have leading practitioners debate the findings of a landmark independent report on the implications of a Brexit for the UK’s environment. “The EU has had a profound...
by | Mar 24, 2016
On 19th April 2016, the newly formed APPG on Limits to Growth will hold its inaugural event Limits to Growth or Opportunities for Prosperity? The current Co-Chair of the Club of Rome, Anders Wijkman, is confirmed as the keynote speaker for this evening. The event will...
by | Mar 16, 2016
The registration for the inaugural UKSSD Conference: towards a sustainable UK is now open. The new forum sets out to “be the catalyst for domestic action to set the UK on the path to sustainability, gathering 100 politicians, chief executives, practitioners, and...