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The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development focused on making the connections between democratic governance and sustainable development. It transferred its work to the School for International Futures in 2025.

Intergenerational Fairness Criteria Round Tables – London 17 April 2019

by | Apr 4, 2019

Together with the FDSD, the School of International Futures (an organisation that helps policy-makers, business leaders and communities make strategic choices, manage risk and become future-ready) is hosting a Round Table on Intergenerational Fairness taking place on the afternoon of 17th April. We hope this will be the beginning of an innovative experiment towards a practical way of supporting intergenerationally fair policy-making.


School of International Futures (SOIF) is working with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation to develop an innovative methodology and a robust framework to evaluate the long run impact of public policies from the standpoint of intergenerational fairness (aimed at civil servants and politicians, but also media and citizens for scrutiny).The work forms part of the wider Gulbenkian Sustainability Programme, with a key goal to ensure the inclusion of future generations’ well-being into present decision-making processes.

The Round Tables

We are in the scoping and design phase of the two year project, and are seeking to challenge our assumptions and sense-test our approach. We want to learn from experts so we can build on existing insights and approaches, and build interest and champions to ensure the project output is as effective and impactful as possible. We aim to provide opportunities for the two groups to interact as the project develops.

  • Round Table 1: Challenging assumptions | We are seeking to bring together deep thinkers to challenge our underlying assumptions of what intergenerational fairness really means, and pick up on contextual and framing issues/concerns that might arise later on.
  • Round Table 2: Understanding approaches | We are seeking to bring together practitioners and other experts to ensure we are aware of existing approaches and methodologies, and their strengths and pitfalls, so that we can incorporate the best thinking that already exists in this field.


Please contact Ellen Shepherd (ellen@soif.org.uk) for more information, or if you would be interested in attending.