CC.0 :: Roya Ann Miller / Unsplash.com
Researchers at the PSA Specialist Group Environmental Politics inviting papers for a research workshop in autumn this year, exploring the prospects, barriers, and new opportunities of climate governance.
The politics around governing global climate change are complex enough at the best of times. Now, a surge of populism and ‘fake news’, in times of ongoing austerity in Western democracies, add even greater challenges to the picture.
In this research workshop, it will be explored what these ‘interesting times’ mean for the prospects, barriers, and new opportunities of climate governance. The event brings together academics, researchers, activists and policy-makers with expertise in climate politics, to explore any or all of the following questions:
- How has the transnational climate governance arena evolved since Paris 2015?
- What new barriers have arisen as a result of austerity, populism, Brexit and Trump?
- How might they be addressed?
- What are the prospects for international climate politics without US involvement in the Paris Agreement?
- Does the changed context create any new opportunities as well?
- What are the (new?) roles of scientists / experts / activists / citizens in today’s climate politics?
Contributions are invited that deal with these or related questions in relation to climate politics at all levels – local, regional, national, trans- and international –, focussing on different types of actors and specific issue areas, and from all relevant disciplines, whether empirical or theoretical.
The organisers particularly invite contributions and participation of postgraduate students and early career researchers. For more details, visit the PSA Specialist Group Website.