+ + +  A R C H I V E  + + + 

The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development focused on making the connections between democratic governance and sustainable development. It transferred its work to the School for International Futures in 2025.

20 May 2015, Launch of the Environmental Democracy Index, Washington DC

by | May 16, 2015

A right to know, a right to be heard, a right to access justice

The Access Initiative and the World Resources Institute will launch the first ever Environmental Democracy Index (EDI) on May 20th at the National Press Club.


  • Avi Garbow (Keynote speaker), General Counsel, US Environmental Protection Agency
  • Manish BapnaExecutive Vice President and Managing Director, World Resources Institute
  • Lalanath DeSilvaProject Director of Environmental Democracy Practice, World Resources Institute
  • Rizwana HasanGoldman Prize winner, Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association
  • Constance NalegachP10 Focal Point, Ministry of Environment, Chile
  • Mark RobinsonGlobal Director, Governance, World Resources Institute

