Equal Opportunities

Statement of principle

The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development is opposed to all forms of negative discrimination on the grounds of race, ethnic origin, class, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, age, religion or disability.

The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development is committed to achieving its organisational goals and implementing all of its activities with proper respect for the aims and principles of equal opportunities. This Equal Opportunities statement sets out the ways in which we aim to achieve this.

Our work brings us into contact with a diverse set of individuals, groups and organisations.

As an organisation working to equip democracy to deliver sustainable development we understand that respecting and valuing differences between people and promoting diversity offer a pathway to resilient democracy, engaged citizens and vibrant communities.

Equal opportunities for trustees, staff, prospective employees, volunteers and others associated with the organisation are integral to our work in promoting democracy and sustainable development and to our ethos as an organisation.

A discussion on this policy forms part of the induction process for all new trustees, members of staff, interns and volunteers. We also endeavour to ensure that contractors providing services to us are made aware of our Equal Opportunities policies so that they can play a part in ensuring it is realised.


That no individual with whom we engage in the course of our activities will receive less favourable treatment than another on the basis of race, ethnic origin, class, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, age, religion or disability.

That all Trustees, employees, interns or volunteers and contractors working with us are committed to implementation of the Equal Opportunities policy in ways appropriate to their work with or for us.

That negative discrimination be confronted appropriately wherever it may occur.

That our activities foster an atmosphere of respect in the workplace and at meetings or other events that is conducive to individuals being open about their race, ethnic origin, class, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, age, religion or any disabilities, if that is their wish.

Job applicants, employees, interns, volunteers and Trustees may expect the following from the Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development:

  • that no job applicant, trustee, intern, volunteer or employee will be negatively discriminated against on the basis of race, ethnic origin, class, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, age, religion or disability.
    that individuals will be assessed solely on their ability, aptitude, skills and competence to perform the given role.
  • That all activities undertaken by the Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development adhere to the policies and approaches in this Equal Opportunities Statement.

That appropriate action will be taken by the Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development in the event of incidents which may breach the policies in this Statement.

As an organisation committed to the principles of equal opportunities we expect the following from trustees, employees, interns and volunteers, and others associated with the Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development:

All should co-operate fully with any measures introduced by the Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development in pursuit of equal opportunity aims.

All should behave in a non-discriminatory manner towards fellow trustees, staff, interns, volunteers, partners and contractors.

Individuals should draw attention to practices which they consider to be discriminatory.

This Revised Statement was adopted by the Trustees and Director of the Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development in September 2010.

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