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The Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development focused on making the connections between democratic governance and sustainable development. It transferred its work to the School for International Futures in 2025.

The EU Referendum and UK Poverty

The EU Referendum and UK Poverty

On May 24th, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation published: “The first evidence-based briefing of how the outcome of the EU referendum on June 23 could affect people in poverty”. The paper was written to ensure that places and people with the lowest incomes are not ignored...
The UK, the SDGs, and particularly SDG 16

The UK, the SDGs, and particularly SDG 16

The UK Government hasn’t yet involved the public or any other stakeholder in discussions about the relevance of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for domestic application in the UK. According to BOND’s report on Bringing the Goals Home: Implementing the SDGs in...